
Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Famous people I just plain dig. Part I.

Can't help lovin the train wrecks.
I don't know if it was the bulimia, the car wrecks, the constant Fueds With Blondes, the briefly-linked-with-Brett-Ratner gossip (that one left my head spinning), the "I love the act of love...but I don't sleep around, that's gross!" concession or the desperate-to-be-the-face-of-a-designer hang-up (which leads, unfortunately, to bland, conservative, suddenly-always-lacey clothing choices - bring back the halter tops and biker jackets of the Wilmer-As-Arm-Candy days, you were much more interesting then!) that endeared me to lil Lindsay, but I guess I'm not alone...at last glance there were something like 40,000 people claiming to be said train wreck on myspace (compared to, say, 33,000 people masquerading as fellow train-wreck Nicole Richie). I spend waaaaaay too much time cruising celeb gossip, but my real weakness is "LiLo." I dunno, maybe I'm just waiting for her to get knocked up, or aisle-dash (please, just not with Brett Ratner!)...maybe I just want to (*gasp - yes, i'm about to say it*) BE her, in some convoluted way...yeep, that's probably it. Here I was, previously self-respecting, decently level-headed, prone to reasonably classy moments, now I'm wanting to life-swap with everyone's most maladjusted Jersey girl? More on this thought later...


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