i can't help loving her...

I would have to admit that from the very first time I heard "Genie in a Bottle" years ago while sitting on the floor in my dorm room loathing Manchurian history, I have loved Christina Aguilera.
It's been an abiding love, changing with the seasons, with her weight, hair color, predisposition to outfits that cut off circulation in areas she might want to keep someday and look like they were made out of electrical tape and pvc, but ultimately: never wavering.
I'm the girl at the stop light with her windows down, belting some song out at the top of her lungs, looking like a crazed mall rat, oblivious to the light changing in front of me. And that song I'm singing along with (because I always wanna know when I catch someone doing the same thing: "what are you listening to?????") is probably a Christina tune.
Probably (well, there was a decently hard-core diversion when I decided I wanted to move to Nashville and marry Brad Paisley and songs like "Sleepin on the Foldout" were the meat and potatoes of my musical diet (and interestingly, if I can insert parenthesis within parenthesis (a bad habit of mine) he ended up marrying Kimberly Williams, an actress that I've always drawn comparisons to...funny how that works, I knew my gut was right!), a diversion that also involved a fake Stetson and a big belt buckle and, yes, Wranglers...my my).
I buy tickets to her arena shows (and survived the sea of high-school girls in vinyl pants and halter tops back in the earlier days), and - this is one I shouldn't admit - have a litany of Christina fansites added to my favorites. You know, the really stalker-esque ones that have thousands of pictures of her about town, dining with her family, doing her hair, exiting clubs, bowling, plucking her eyebrows, shopping for shoes, drinking Starbucks, tripping over cracks in the sidewalk - THOSE kids of sites. And I check in with my Christina from time to time, make sure she's still lookin alright, that she and the hubby seem happy, that she still favors GIANT handbags and slingbacks (er...it's not ME taking those stalker-photos, I promise...)
At any rate: yep, I've pre-ordered her cd (personally rather excited about attempt at a cross-genre/cross-generational sound), but basically, this is meant as more of an idol-worship post than anything even vaguely related to actual MUSIC. When she wasted away during her first headlining tour, I defended the fact that anyone dancing for two hours a night on a 90-city tour would drop pounds. When she gained weight and looked perpetually greasy during her tour with Justin Timberlake, I defended her "changing hormones" (hey, that's the excuse she gave!), when she tried a little tooooo hard to be Marilyn Monroe, I defended her right to idolize whomever the heck she wanted - hey, who's to say she couldn't take things a little too far...after all of those hair colors she went through leading up to that point, what else COULD she do with that fried mess but chop it off and curl it up?
Love Christina. Love that she went from Britney-Knock-Off to legitimate pop-princess, to scrawny Latin-wannabe to dirrrrrty, sex-crazed stringy-haired eyeliner fiend to demure and vintage and pencil-skirt addicted.
Love 'er.
first of all, ahoy fellow seattler!
well, okay, i'm in the lynnwood area, but who cares.
great article about Christina. Not a fan per se, but she's lasted... and frankly she's done well for herself.
LOVE yer wedding pics. As an artist, you looked postively stunning and would love to draw a portrait of that smile. (or yer new grinning hubby!) :)
Check out my sites sometime if you'd like.
One is my normal ranting and raving. Second is my artistic site.. i went to cornish college of the arts in seattle, so i've got old work, newly restored, and other creative endeavors.
third is my current pride and joy. alll about voting for yer fav. fuzzie animal. i encourage you to vote and spread the word. it's jes stoopid fun, and the RULZ are on top under the title.
Take care, and BTW< i knew you were a Seattler when i saw you had "the stranger" in yer links.
bye, I'll be back.
~ B & mr puddins
I like Christina too, but I thought it was weird you had fantasies about her tripping on sidewalks. Then I realized I read "Christina fansites" as "Christina fantasies."
heh heh heh...er, but I DO fantasize about her tripping, and plucking her eyebrows, and shopping at Toys R Us (all pictures I've seen...)
i love christina, too and always have. i think for me it started with "come on over". i hope that's the right title, but hten again, i don't care. it's one of my favorite bubble gum somgs of all time.
i love that she isn't a knock-off and has lots of talent. i love that she behaves badly enough to be a real person but seems to genuinely try to be good.
i love that she gained weight and didn't apologize for it.
you just keep on blasting it out the car window.
and she's from Pittsburgh, baby!!
I try my best to forget about Christina Aguilera... and then you have post that amazing picture of her... damn you heatheradair, damn you!!! =;-)
You know, I feel the same way. I mean, I don't like her THAT much, but I think she's got a great voice and looks really beautiful 99% of the time. I don't know if she got a boob job or what but she is looking SO good these days.
I love the photos from that shoot. SO glamorous. I think the song Beautiful and it's video are absolutely, well, beautiful. She won me over with that one.
In Entertainment Weekly a few weeks ago she was bragging about how her husband (a dorky looking Jewish guy! how great is that?) isn't using her to record his own album. OHHH SNAP! i love Christina too. Always have.
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