oprah: not gay.

Oprah revealed - via just about every news media outlet she could find - that she and her best friend Gayle King are NOT. GAY.
Her position is basically that the public assumes if two people are as close as Oprah and Gayle (talking on the phone - gasp! - 3 or 4 times a day for 30 years) that it must be sexual, they must be lovers.
To be exact, Oprah put it this way:
"I understand why people think we're gay...There isn't a definition in our culture for this kind of bond between women. So I get why people have to label it--how can you be this close without it being sexual?"
I think there IS a word for this kind of bond between women: BEST. FRIENDS. What girl hasn't kissed and hugged and snuggled with their best girlfriend...girls go to the bathroom en masse, girls share just about everything, most girls have seen their friends naked, have shared everything from shoes to shampoo to swim suits.
Unfortunately, I don't think MEN have it as easy...If Jake Gyllenhaal can't pal around with another guy for a few days without being labelled gay, it can't be easy. Men aren't allowed to give one another sweet platonic kisses on the cheek or borrow each other's jeans...when men seem to be having tooooo much fun together, they MUST be gay.
I don't think Oprah's tight friendship with Gayle inspired the gay rumours...Oprah is just an easy target because extremely successful, high-profile, powerful women - particularly women with their own...dynasty to maintain - who very publicly choose not to marry their Stedmans and dismiss the suggestion with the ambiguous explanation, "The traditional role of marriage would not work in this relationship" are difficult to comprehend in the musical-relationship world of Hollywood and celebrity. If she's not dating high-profile men and if her relationships aren't tabloid targets, if she maintains normal friendships and manages - somehow - to keep her sexual life well out of the spotlight: it must be because she's gay.
I agree, it's not her relationship with Gayle alone but rather her relationship to Gayle combined with her ambiguous nonmarriage to Stedomon and her refusal to have kids. I'm sure she knows that, even if she won't admit it publicly.
heatheradair is not dating high-profile men and her relationships aren't tabloid targets... she must be gay!!! =;-)
great post darlin'.
Actually, Oprah just called, she's stuck in her closet. Can anyone help?
I think it's a shame that people are still so caught up in the gay = bad concept that the acusation was something she felt she had to defend herself against.
Beautifully articulated - per usual! This labeling saddens me; our culture is waaaay tooo overly sexualized. One of my favorite things to do as a little girl was hold hands with my girlfriends...until, when we were about 10, these older boys called us "lesbos." I had to ask my older brother what that meant. It's all so ridiculous. Why does love have to be sexualized? Twisted.
personally, the whole thing baffled me. what? oprah gay? i never even considered it. and doesn't gayle have like, 5 kids or something? she's obviously sleeping with a member of the opposite sex.
somebody was really desperate for a story when they thought that crap up.
T - It's interesting that she's feeling like the media is targeting and attacking her sexuality when she's about one of the LEAST sexual celebrities I can think of...can't help wondering if calling her orientation onto the carpet wasn't a way to beef up her publicity, "sex-up Oprah," or something...
MJB - yeah, my gig is up...err...uh, who SAYS i'm not dating high-profile men? I'm just very discreet ;)
Jack - even her assertion that "If I were gay, I wouldn't be ashamed and keep it in the closet" sounds like a very calculated way of clearing the air, doesn't it? delicately pc way of covering all of her bases lest SOMEONE out there be offended...
TMB - exactly! over-sexualized is a mild understatement...when all else fails, dissect someone's sexuality, then it will make the news...I held hands with my friends - we wandered around arm in arm, linked up and inseparable for YEARS - it's one of those great feelings, having a friend you're so close to you don't have to worry about the bubble space (issue for me :))
Mere: desperate is right...and not only that, this was the FIRST I'd heard about such "rumours." if there were rumours, who was spreading them? strange, strange...
Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
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