
Wednesday, July 19, 2006

"the whole sorority is like, totally on fertility treatment!"

Fertility treatment: the new black. Everyone's doing it!

Even 22 year-old girls.

Not because they have a lazy ovary, not because their wombs are "inhospitable," not because they've been treated for cancer and are having reproductive troubles.

Nope. 22 year-old girls are turning to fertility treatment because after 3 months of trying to get pregnant, they're in a hurry and want to "speed things up"

Here's a quote from the USA Today snippet made by a spring chicken who's been trying to get knocked up for a whopping 4 months:

"Even though I am young, it still seemed like time was going by so fast. I don't want to be 35 and wondering if I can get pregnant..."

Whoa, Nellie.

It's a sort of worn out and obvious comparison, but in an age of call-ahead drive-throughs and Wal-Mart while-you-shop childhood vaccinations, how far behind can "lunch-hour fertility clinics" be?

Nevermind that it takes about a year of unsuccessful baby-making attempts before a doctor would call a woman infertile...by all means, let's let impatience be our guide. Welcome to the wonderful world of multiple births at the ripe age of 24...we've got places to go, things to do, babies to make...

And add "trip to the fertility" clinic the to-do lists of fresh-faced co-eds the country over, right between "buy new pair of D&G jeans" and "grab a green tea latte."

...because, like, 27 is like, old.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope this doesn't come off ignorant, but coming from the black community, all this fertility talk always blows my mind. I never hear blacks or hispanics talk about "trying to have a baby" for months to a year on end. Most black and hispanic couples I know used to worry about trying NOT to get pregnant again. My mom's homespun theory on this was that American whites are so competitive and goal-oriented about everything that they apply that same drive to babymaking and stress themselves out about it to the point that they they feel like failures if they can't get pregnant fast enough. It's all anecdotal though, so who knows. She claims when she grew up in Haiti, no one mentioned or stressed about fertility problems.

10:55 PM  
Blogger heatheradair said...

Anecdotally, from my side of the fence, one of my girlfriends has been trying to get pregnant for a few months and hasn't hit the jackpot yet...been probably 4 months.

At this point: she's thinking of ADOPTING. Hmmm.

My theory: the second you start THINKING about having the baby you generate stress. Stressed out women are MUCH less likely to conceive (it's the reason chicks skip periods when they're under REALLY high stress...) - relax high strung suburban college girls!!!

(there's actually a really ridiculous radio commercial for a seattle reproductive clinic on the radios here right now...some hoity-toity sounding "executive" type woman lamenting the fact that she spend her teens and twenties trying her hardest NOT to get pregnant, and now that she's ready: gee, it's taking longer than she thought! So she's visiting the repro clinic to check out her "options." weird!!! how about: chill out. It'll happen when it's time)

That time, for me, is about a DECADE away, thanks.

11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually if a woman is charting she can identify problems early on, and thus does not need to "wait an entire year of unprotected sex" and then began searching for answers. This is a good thing, because if the couple is trying to conceive then they won't be wasting any time when they could be working on correcting a problem. Further, if a woman is charting and is having sex on her most fertile days and is not pregnant in 4-6 months then typically there is a problem. The theory behind a year of unprotected sex, is that a healthy fertile couple will conceive within a year if they are not using any form of protection. However if they are trying and know when they should be having sex than the timeline is shortened to 4-6 months.

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sort of amazed at our impatient, I-WILL-have-it-all-on-my-terms generation. I completely agree with t., heather and nacc, this whole baby thing is scary. I have two of my own, and yes, charting is the way to go as far as to not get pregnant or to get pregnant. I hate that we've decided we are smarter than nature... have any of these infertile-after-3-attempts types ever considered that their bodies might not be ready yet? yikes. And I agree, t. THere is too much emphasis in white Amer culture to have it all and that is the best way to kill one's hormonal capabilities.

7:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not so worried about these women who want babies; I'm worried about the guys. How old are these yayhoos? What kool-aid did they drink that made them think it's a good idea to have a baby in their 20s? Dumbasses.

The smart guy would agree to having a baby, but would sleep the birth control pill in his woman's morning OJ. That way he gets all the sex without all the babies. Maybe that's what's going on here.

4:06 AM  

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