Thursday, September 07, 2006
email heatheradair
- the upside to working 15-hour days:
- hope I look this good at 116 (and a picture of how...
- well, the outfit seemed like a good idea at home...
- the entire office is OCD...there's gotta be a way ...
- she of many defense mechanisms...
- a collection of unrelated observations
- more quality programming cancelled for ratings...
- terrorists: making long, international flights eve...
- airfare searches: fun, like being stabbed in the e...
- reasons blogging has made my life a warmer, fuzzie...
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oh! are you really going to Santorini? i've heard so many cool things about that place. whatever getaway island you're going to, have a great time!
That's a beautiful picture! I hope you're having an amazing time!
Bloglife isn't the same without you!
P.S. Blogger Beta SUCKS!!! I'm hatin it.
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