
Monday, June 19, 2006

people with mondays worse than mine: 6/19/06

This was one of those "woke-up-feeling-like-my-bones-were-made-of-lead" mornings...where I hit the snooze something like 27 times and still wanted to shove my head under the pillow for another hour or 10. On the bean-counting, desk-jockey front, this definitely promises to be one of those 12-hour days (made longer, no doubt, by my inability to STEP AWAY FROM THE BLOGS. HOWEVER...I figure these guys have it worse:

Brad Pitt
Woe is Brad. Apparently before Angelina's c-section scars have even healed she's planning to adopt another orphan, nationality as yet undecided. Because three small children aren't enough. So between the middle-of-the-night-feedings and the diaper changes, Brad can ponder the fact that giving birth to their "Messiah-baby" was such a positive experience for Angie that she promptly declared to Anderson Cooper and the greater CNN-following public that her next child will be another adopted refugee orphan.

Side thought: has she tattooed over her c-scar yet? I figure that will be her next move...

Kevin Spacey's Career
I've always loved Kevin Spacey, even after his ookily asexual turn as Bobby Darin. He's dashing, accomplished, tasteful...and yes, noticeably absent from stage and screen for awhile now. PerezHilton posted this quote this morning:

"As far as I'm concerned, when I looked at what happened in my career in 2000 - after American Beauty - I thought it couldn't get much better. What was I going to spend the rest of my life doing? Trying to top myself? Trying to stay hot, trying to make sure I was in the right movies? I'm trying to do something with my success which is bigger than myself. I'm no longer interested in my personal career. I am interested in the impact I can have on a lot of other people's careers and on audiences." (emphasis mine)

In other words, his mechanism for coming to terms with the fact that he plateaued half a decade ago is to try and pass his decline off as HIS choice. Sort of the way that uncomfortable-looking women in Hollywood come to their own defense by using the "men are intimidated by my success, so I choose not to date" excuse. Not to compare Kevin to a dateless diva...heavens no...

Jenny Craig
Did a double-take when I saw this headline on Fox News: Nestle to Buy Jenny Craig for $600M. Nestle claims to have a "nutrition" sub-unit and has aspirations to turn the public's attention away from its powdered chocolate milk endeavors (well, that's noble enough, I suppose) and transform themselves into a "nutrition, health and wellness company."

I suppose it's possible that someday our children will hear the word "Nestle" and equate it with something more like "Newman's Own" than with miniature crunch bars languishing in the bottom of an easter basket after the Cadbury eggs had been picked out, but it seems to smack of corporate desperation that a company so ingrained in America's chocolatey way-of-life would decide to begin their overhaul by swallowing a company that's more "butt-of-elementary-school-childrens'-jokes" and less "health! nutrition! wellness!"

And where does this leave Kirstie Alley???


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't think that baby actually came out of her, do you? Why do you think they had it in Africa?

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree. next move will certianly be a tattoo. c'mon, a man like brad pitt doesn't have to settle for a scarred up lady- even if she has lips like dumplings.
and i like the nestle gig; i think it's more a bait and switch than anything. "trust us...we're healty! now eat our chocolate! it's only 400 points..." (that was a weight watchers reference which i know little about but i know even less about jenny craig...)

5:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey heather in reponse to your comment on my blog abtou greg iles, yeh I love him. Its weird actually cos I got into him when another English class in my final year at school studied The Quiet Game and I borrowed it cos I like Crime/Legal thrillers and it looked my style. Since then I've gotten really into Natchez! I don't think I've read the one you referred to though, is it new?

6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have to comment on this too... did you know Nestle's makes baby formula? Served up to the same Nambian children that Ms. Jolie aims to adopt, so that brings us full circle. I'll shut up now!

8:44 PM  
Blogger heatheradair said...

left coast sis: didn't know that, actually - knew they were partially invested in lean cuisine...next thing you know we'll find out they're in talks with GE or something and we'll be unable to either cook or eat anything that nestle doesn't tell us to...

9:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kevin spacey may be giving up his career, but not before we see him as Lex Luther in the new Superman Returns.

(i can't wait...)

7:13 PM  

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