the al sharpton commentary can wait - new lohan pictures!!!!

I (neurotically) always start my day by checking dlisted...look what they had today!!!! I won't even try to legitmize my Lindsay Lohan hangup...she's trashy, she's overexposed, she'll be washed up and dried out and her freckles will turn to liver spots before she's 30, but I just dig her. I'm not sure why every 20-something-starlet thinks they have what it takes to channel Marilyn Monroe (it's been done to death and never done well), but here she is again, playing sex kitten and fooling no one...

Actually, I'll revise that thought - I doubt it was Lindsay's idea to tulle it up in D&G gauze and stand over a fan looking I'll turn my critical eye upon photographers and magazine editors that think rehashed Monroe/coy sex-kitten/kohl-eyeliner, frothy lingerie and cigarettes is still edgy...
Ah (even underaged, overvamped, lost-its-mystery sex) sells.
once again lilo looks like she's been on a 3 day crack binge. but i know that's hot. i think to achieve this dewy, dirty look i'd actually have to go on a 3 day crack binge.
Yep! We'd have to live on crack and ciroc, then roll our barely coherent, trashtastic selves on into the photo shoot, pass out, then wake up "gorgeous" GQ cover-ready...
aw, what am I talkin about, we're already as hot as lilo, AND less photoshopped!
For me, she goes on & off of being gorgeous, but the overexposed bit turned me off forever.
overexposed: definitely - but with such great legs!
Meh...I don't like her legs so much anymore. Everything about her except her chest is too skinny to me these days...the skin, bags under the eyes, the pallor...I've never seen someone so hot work so hard to turn herself into a crack whore since Whitney actually became a true-life crackwhore.
Seriously, this chick was the second coming of Ann Margaret...the red hair, the curves, the hips...Then she went on a campaign to ruin everything that made her hot! She's aged 10 years in just four. Look at how hot she was when she had full, here, here and my favorite here (now those are legs!) What a tragedy.
I'll give ya the cheeks, definitely.
I remember staring at a picture of her in the green halter dress a'la Mean Girls premier with a bunch of pretty pink blush and thinking, "Wow...she's got perfect cheeks"
I'm not sure how she pulls the incredible shrinking ass trick while keeping the rack on of those superhuman movie-star camera, if I lose 5, that's the first place it leaves...
Kate Moss did it too - but she's a coke whore, different ballgame. Hilary Duff and Nicole Richie all went the way of the crack whore with Lohan. I think it was becasue they were all fighting so much, it relaly just tore them up.
Uhmmm... where do I subscribe????
Look away.
reminds me of "clash of the titans."
perseus with his magical sword and shield trying NOT to look at the fabulous snake-haired medusa...
that plucky perseus, using her own tricks against her...bzzzzt, medusa of stone.
love that movie.
i'm just glad she's finally put on a little weight. poor thing was like the incredible shrinking woman there for a bit.
now if only someone can get help for nicole richie...
They went a bit overboard on the red - I'm glad she's a redhead again, though - and she looks like she's had a meal and kept it down. It all looks a bit contrived, but we've seen her looking worse.
I"m in agreement with T on this. As I think a lot of people are. She used to be great. Now she's placed herself amongst the heroin-chic masses ...
but I also agree about the cliche photoshoot. I guess they're relying on the redhead making the thing fresh. Sure the editors and photog get blame, but LiLo gets some also. Yo ucan definitely say, "this is kind of boring, I want to be sexy, but can't we do something else besides Marilyn again." we need some new stock beauty poses.
of course I say this as I get vaseline all over the place, but that's beside the point.
Hi Heather--
I think she looks like she has to go to the bathroom in all those shots. Really bad. Bad enough to have to hold herself.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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